Saturday, September 15, 2007

How to insert Google Adsense Code between the post tile and post body.

Like this blog, you can insert Adsens Ads code between the post tile and post body.
(See the Digital Inspiration blog which earn $999.99 by one day)

This will increase you earning by Google Adsense.

This way is the new version of Google Blogger (i.e. XML version)

Assum that you already have an Adsense account and use the "Signe in" link to grant Blogger access your Adsense ID.

Go to Template -> Page Elements tabs.
Then, click on "Edit" in the "Blog Posts" section.

In the pop-up window, check the box "Show Ads Between Pots".
I recommend "350X250 Rectangle" format like "Digital Inspiration"
This checking only make Ads appear between posts.

By next stpes, the Ad will be displayed within blog post when indivisual blog post page is visited.

Go to Template -> Edit HTML tabs and check the box "Expand Widget Templates".

Find the following code in the XML,

and wrap the above code as bellows,

Find, code
the follong code in the edit box,

Copy the following code and paste it before as bellows,

If you paste the code after , the Ads will be displayed after you post body.

Save the template, and check your blog if the Ads is shown as we want.

If your blog is "classic" not "the new version XML", refer "How to the AdSense ads to appear between the post title and post body?"

Ref: Wrap Adsense Code Inside Blog Post Without Violating TOS