Friday, March 20, 2009

DIY Puzzle has been published in Apple App Store.

App Store Link:

DIY Puzzle allows you to create your own unique puzzles using the photos stored on your iPhone. Family photos, travel scenes, pictures of your dog or mother-in-law: the possibilities are endless!

You can select the difficulty of the puzzle based on the number of pieces-- 4x4, 5x5, 8x8--as well as the color of the lines. The title page will change according to the puzzles you create.

Great puzzle for keeping kids entertained on long car rides--simply select a favorite photo and difficulty level appropriate for your child's age. No more "Are we there yet?" problems!!

Therapeutic for adults, too. Have a fight with the boss? Now you can literally "rearrange his face!"

Want to impress your girlfriend? Create a puzzle with her image, and show her how quickly you can assemble it! have been paying attention!

written by Mary Ellen Zigli


Figure 1. The icon of this app is placed on bottom right. The design concept of this game is simple (exactly, no design) for user to think that they can build this game by themselves.

IMG_0088 by you.

Figure 2. As you see, the main page of this app is decorated with users' puzzle image.
The transparent images under the main page are automatically changed whenever users make or delete new or existing puzzles.

IMG_0090 by you.

Figure 3, 4, 5. The following screen is where users can make puzzles.
In the current initial version, users can set name, where to select images, image, mode (rectangle), line color.
IMG_0091 by you.

IMG_0092 by you.

IMG_0093 by you.

Figure 6. User can select any photos in their album as below,
(In the next version, user can use taking photo)
IMG_0094 by you.

Figure 7. A new picture puzzle is almost done with users' settings.
IMG_0095 by you.

Figure 8. All made picture puzzles are managed as below, (they can be removed, re-ordered).
(In the next version, users can modify existing puzzles.)
By tapping one cell users can play the selected puzzle game.
IMG_0101 by you.

Figure 9. The following screen shows shuffled puzzle image to play.

IMG_0103 by you.

Figure 10. While playing, users can see menu to re-shuffle, to return to main title, to show the original image by double tapping.

IMG_0104 by you.

Figure 11. When users finish a game, they can see time record and see main menu again by tapping on the original image.
IMG_0105 by you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

DIY Puzzle

DIYPuzzle lets you make your own picture puzzle game which is only one in the world.
With any photos in your album of iPod/iPhone you can build variety picture puzzle.

Lovers, babies, friends, scenery, personage, sexy starts and so on.

You can select photos as well as set various settings (4X4, 5X5, 8X8, blue line, red line, and so on).

Moreover, the main page is automatically built by your puzzle images.


Figure 1. The icon of this app is placed on bottom right. The design concept of this game is simple (exactly, no design) for user to think that they can build this game by themselves.

IMG_0088 by you.

Figure 2. As you see, the main page of this app is decorated with users' puzzle image.
The transparent images under the main page are automatically changed whenever users make or delete new or existing puzzles.

IMG_0090 by you.

Figure 3, 4, 5. The following screen is where users can make puzzles.
In the current initial version, users can set name, where to select images, image, mode (rectangle), line color.
IMG_0091 by you.

IMG_0092 by you.

IMG_0093 by you.

Figure 6. User can select any photos in their album as below,
(In the next version, user can use taking photo)
IMG_0094 by you.

Figure 7. A new picture puzzle is almost done with users' settings.
IMG_0095 by you.

Figure 8. All made picture puzzles are managed as below, (they can be removed, re-ordered).
(In the next version, users can modify existing puzzles.)
By tapping one cell users can play the selected puzzle game.
IMG_0101 by you.

Figure 9. The following screen shows shuffled puzzle image to play.

IMG_0103 by you.

Figure 10. While playing, users can see menu to re-shuffle, to return to main title, to show the original image by double tapping.

IMG_0104 by you.

Figure 11. When users finish a game, they can see time record and see main menu again by tapping on the original image.
IMG_0105 by you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love Gauge (Valentine Edition)

Love Gauge

*** Introductory Price: $0.99 ***

How much do you love your sweetheart?
Do you want to know the status of love between you and your love?

Answer is here, LoveGauge!!!

Just 5 seconds and tapping your thumbs will prove your love and more...

Love Gauge is to calculate your manners on your lover and to analyze four factors to give you the reasonable report.
The love of Valentine awaits...

Are you prepared?

그림 2 by you.

그림 3 by you.

그림 4 by you.
그림 5 by you.

Monday, February 9, 2009

[Love Gauge] My second iPod/iPhone app for Valentine's Day.

I've registered my second iPod/iPhone application for Valentine's Day at Apple App Store.

The url is as below,

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Make Num Korea

"Make Num" is simple but dangerously addictive puzzle game!
Tune up your faculty for arithmetic calculation challenging to master!
You can compete with others all over the world.


App Store Linek:

"Make Num"은 간단하면서도 중독성이 강한 퍼즐 게임입니다!
무료한 시간을 "Make Num"으로 당산의 계산 능력을 향상시키면서 날려버리세요!

"Make Num"은 랭킹 서버를 제공하며, 한국뿐만아니라 전 세계 App Store에 등록되어 팔리고 있습니다.
랭킹 서버에서 전 세계인과 겨루어 보세요~

게임 방법:

90초 동안, 선택한 숫자의 합이 제시된 숫자와 같으면 점수를 얻고 다음 숫자가 제시됩니다.
제시된 숫자가 크고 많은 숫자를 이용해서 합을 만들수록 고득점을 하게 됩니다.
하지만, 합을 빨리 만들면 다양한 게임 아이템을 얻을 수 있습니다.
많은 셀을 이용할 것인가? 빨리 합을 만들 것인가?
당신만의 전략으로 세계 최고의 계산 왕이 되어보세요~

게임 레벨
- 초급: 10~39의 숫자들이 90초 동안 제시됩니다.
- OTL급: 10~69의 숫자들이 90초 동안 제시됩니다.

제시된 숫자가 높을 수록 좋은 아이템을 획득할 수 있습니다.
- "Next": 다음 제시된 숫자로 넘어갑니다.
- "+3/+5 sec": 게임 시간을 3/5초 늘립니다.
- "X2/X3": 현재 제시된 숫자를 맞춰 얻게 될 점수를 2/3배 합니다.

- 랭킹 서버에 자신의 점수를 등록하고 전 세계인의 "초급"과 "OTL급" 점수 랭킹을 볼 수 있습니다.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My first iPhone app on iTunes

Finally, I've succeeded to register my app at iTunes' app store.

"Make Num" is a simple but addictive puzzle game. :)

You can get the app via the following link 

Full version ($0.99)

Lite version (free)

The difference is "Hell mode game" and "Registering scores at the ranking server" are not provided in the lite version.

Enjoy this game :)

p.s. you can see more details on the following posts,
Full version

Lite version

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Make Num Lite (iPhone Application)

You can get this game via iTunes

Put that calculator away, and put on your thinking cap!

Time to get back to basics and have "sum" fun with Make Num!

You can compete with other brainiacs from all over the world (in the full version)!


Use as many numbered cells as possible to achieve the sum indicated at the top of the screen for each level. The more cells you use, the higher your score.
But don't be slow--you only have 90 seconds to complete the "quiz!" Speed is rewarded with special bonuses (additional time on the clock, bonus multipliers, etc.)
Develop your own strategy based on your math skills and speed to achieve the highest score!


Game Mode
- Normal Mode: numbers from 10 to 39 are presented for 90 seconds.
- Hell Mode (full version only): numbers from 10 to 69 are presented for 90 seconds.

Maximum three items can be registered in a game and if you use one of them then you are entitled to register another one.
- "Next"
. Lets you go to the next item.
. Shows on top of the right corner when you acquire
. Tap on the registered item to use this item.
. Frequently occurs when the presented number is between 10 and 29

- "+3/+5 sec"
. Extends the game time for another 3/5 seconds.
. Immediately acts when you obtain.
. Frequently occurs when the presented number is between 20 and 49 or between 50 and 69.

- "X2/X3"
. Makes the score which you will get double/triple
. Shows on top of the right corner when you acquire
. Tap on the registered item to use this item and tap on again it to cancel to use in the round.
. Frequently occurs when the presented number is between 10 to 39 or between 40 and 69

Scores calculation
The score is computed by the following formula,

the score in a round = the first digit of the presented number * the number of used cells * 10
e.g. If you make the sum of the presented number 34 using 5 cells, the score will be 150 points (3 * 5 * 10)
If you use a "X3" item (i.e. the registered item is flickering), the score will be 450 points (3 * 150).

- Local Ranking
- World Ranking Server (full version only): Normal/Hell Top 100

- Name (mandatory only), gender, area, birthday
- The "Name" field is mandatory to register your score at the ranking server.

Make Num (iPhone Application)

Make Num (Sum It Up) Support Email:

You can get this app via iTunes.


Put that calculator away, and put on your thinking cap!

Time to get back to basics and have "sum" fun with Make Num!

You can compete with other brainiacs from all over the world!


Use as many numbered cells as possible to achieve the sum indicated at the top of the screen for each level. The more cells you use, the higher your score.
But don't be slow--you only have 90 seconds to complete the "quiz!" Speed is rewarded with special bonuses (additional time on the clock, bonus multipliers, etc.)
Develop your own strategy based on your math skills and speed to achieve the highest score!


Game Mode
- Normal Mode: numbers from 10 to 39 are presented for 90 seconds.
- Hell Mode: numbers from 10 to 69 are presented for 90 seconds.

Maximum three items can be registered in a game and if you use one of them then you are entitled to register another one.
- "Next"
. Lets you go to the next item.
. Shows on top of the right corner when you acquire.
. Tap on the registered item to use this item.
. Frequently occurs when the presented number is between 10 and 29.

- "+3/+5 sec"
. Extends the game time for another 3/5 seconds.
. Immediately acts when you obtain.
. Frequently occurs when the presented number is between 20 and 49 or between 50 and 69.

- "X2/X3"
. Makes the score which you will get double/triple
. Shows on top of the right corner when you acquire
. Frequently occurs when the presented number is between 10 to 39 or between 40 and 69.

Scores calculation
The score is computed by the following formula,

the score in a round = the first digit of the presented number * the number of used cells * 10
e.g. If you make the sum of the presented number 34 using 5 cells, the score will be 150 points (3 * 5 * 10)
If you use a "X3" item (i.e. the registered item is flickering), the score will be 450 points (3 * 150).

- Local Ranking
- World Ranking Server: Normal/Hell Top 100

- Name (mandatory only), gender, area, birthday.
- The "Name" field is mandatory to register your score at the ranking server.